
TMI Friday: My Nemesis

Oh, yeah. It's back. Once upon a time I happened to work at this place and one of my many roles was to help customers. I aided them with many things, and had a wonderful experience overall as I really really enjoy helping people. However, I did have a nemesis. So I'm a teeny tiny... Continue Reading →

If You Want to Write, You Must Live

There is a common misconception that writers are primarily dreamers who live a large portion of our lives in their heads. Picture the writers of old as they were showcased to us in our youth. The tortured soul dressed in black happily miserably confined to a home library, gazing out the window with their head... Continue Reading →

I Made My Own Roommates

Last week I embarked on a new stage of parenthood: The Parent of the Adult. Ya'll. He's 18. And since I had my four children like an oldie Batman Comic Boom! Bang! Bop! Bazinga! it will not be long before I am the mother of four adults. The first indications that I had grown an... Continue Reading →

How to Not be a Writer.

Writers are scoundrels known to play life by their own rules. They leave the monarchy for a healthier life and respectfully draw boundaries as they admit their own faults while they discuss how decisions made by others made them feel. Think of how much danger even working with a ghost writer causes! They open cans... Continue Reading →

His Sidewalk

Hey, you! First of all, I have to apologize. With a title of His Sidewalk, it's super easy to jump right into a romance novel. I mean, it's got everything you could want. A hint of a meeting on a sidewalk with him, whoever he might be. Maybe he's jogging nearly naked on a hot,... Continue Reading →

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